Sonidos, imágenes, impresiones. Como una constante que vibra cada día, sus ondas extendiéndose alrededor, reverberando, rebotando en cada obstáculo, en ti, en mí, en nosotros, frecuencias que se absorben a medias, que se fugan, que son parcialmente reflejadas para crear nuevas estampas, improntas deformadas que permanecen y toman color, registradas por un instante que se alarga al pasar, un segundo que se mantiene tenso, repetido hacia el infinito, cambiando sutilmente hasta desaparecer.
Solo fueron un reflejo, una reverberación en la que navegamos apenas un momento, un segundo de pánico que ya no recordamos
Sounds, images, impressions. Like a constant which vibrates every day, its waves spreading around, reverberating, bouncing off each obstacle, at you, at me, at us, frequencies that are half absorbed, that run away, that are partially reflected to create new prints, imprints deformed that persist and take color, registered by an instant that lengthens as it passes, a second that remains tense, repeated towards infinity, subtly changing until it disappears.
They were only a reflection, a reverb in which we navigate just for a moment, a second of panic that we no longer remember
Solo fueron un reflejo, una reverberación en la que navegamos apenas un momento, un segundo de pánico que ya no recordamos
Sounds, images, impressions. Like a constant which vibrates every day, its waves spreading around, reverberating, bouncing off each obstacle, at you, at me, at us, frequencies that are half absorbed, that run away, that are partially reflected to create new prints, imprints deformed that persist and take color, registered by an instant that lengthens as it passes, a second that remains tense, repeated towards infinity, subtly changing until it disappears.
They were only a reflection, a reverb in which we navigate just for a moment, a second of panic that we no longer remember
© 2020 Begoña Cid. Madrid